Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Visiting with Ty

We went for a little visit to our friend's house, the Goodwin's, on Sunday evening. Ty is Christy's little girl and she is Avery's age. I wanted to take him over there for a play date! Well....Avery is just not sure of what to think about Ty. Ty is so funny! She is a sassy girl that is not shy and has a bubbly personality. Avery was a little stand off-ish....We really had a good time though! It was funny watching Ty and Avery interact.

Ty was wanting to ride with Avery, but he wasn't having it!

They had fun pushing each other.

Brian made Avery a sandbox today. He put it underneath his playhouse. I stopped at the store and picked up some new sand toys. He loves it!

I went to tell Avery goodnight this evening and found him and Brian all cuddled up together....I have to brag on my husband. He reads to Avery every night, they say their prayers, and Avery goes to bed. I'm so thankful for a wonderful husband.....and he is a wonderful dad!

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