Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I'm all about surprises and having some fun. I thought I'd surprise my boys with a special St. Patrick's Day dinner! They were both surprised. Avery wouldn't touch his! Brian ate his up....Thanks for the great idea Stinnett. We had our fair share of green today!

After our fun dinner, we went outside to play with the "chinkins." This has become an everyday thing for us. I'm really enjoying these chickens a lot more than I thought I would. We were able to get some fun pics!

This rooster has become all of our favorites...His name is Rooster. What do you know!

He let's us hold and pet him.

Me, Avery, & Rooster

1 comment:

The Young Family said...

I wonder what Ava would think of Rooster?!?! We need to come see him. I think she would be terrified! I think I might be a little scared, too! :)