Avery had his 3 year check-up recently and Sutton had his 2 month check-up this week. Both went well. Avery really surprised me. He went in, did exactly what the nurse and doctor asked of him. I was so proud of the way he listened and followed directions. He weighs 35.6 pounds and is 38 1/4 inches tall. 84% in weight and 69% in height. He is right on track as a 3 year old boy should be!!

Sutton's 2 month check-up also went well. He weighed 12 pounds and was 24 1/8 inches long. I was surprised when I looked back at Avery's stats to see that at this age, Avery was 13 pounds and 25 inches. I guess I just figured Sutton was bigger since his birth stats were larger than Avery's. Anyway, Sutton was in the 60% for weight and 88% in height. He smiles a lot, eats well, and is the most laid back, easy going, sweetest little baby! He sleeps well and is just, as my sister would say, "nice." He is also right on track! Thank you God for blessing me with healthy babies!

Avery and Sutton were playing peek-a-boo.

It amazes me at how much these boys have bonded already. It was such a natural bond that took place from day one. Avery could not be a better big brother. He protects Sutton, loves him, helps him, and plays with him. I look forward to watching them grow up together!
Avery~3 years