Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

What a wonderful Easter! We spent the weekend in DeQueen with family. Avery got spoiled with lots of Easter goodies. We ran around all weekend long visiting and playing. I've posted a TON of pictures!

Avery's new cowboy hat the Mumu got him.

Avery enjoyed hunting Easter eggs with his cousin Jackson. Uncle Jeff held Avery's basket for him and every time Avery found an egg, he would try and make it in the "basket."

The Easter bunny visited Avery.

Avery & Cooper got to play some this weekend.

Our Family!! And little Sutton is on the way! 17 weeks and counting!
Eating an Easter cookie after breakfast at Nana and Papa's house.

Avery and Jackson

Sweet Boy!

Ok...this was SOOO much fun! We did an adult hunt this year at my grandparent's house. Each adult put $5 dollars in. We divided the money amongst 11 eggs. Some eggs had only a little bit of money while others had a lot! My grandparents and I hid the eggs...and I must say we did a heck of a job! All the adults came outside and my Papaw went over the rules....IT WAS ON! Man I have a competitive family!

Way to put your game face on Brian!!! He came away with 3 eggs for a total of $25 dollars!

The Lucky Ones!

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